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Craft weekend:  November 11-13.  Up to 10 people are invited to Risa Cabin in lovely Bend, Oregon, for a weekend of crafting and company.  Vegetarian meals are provided for Friday dinner, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and lunch Saturday and Sunday.  The group goes out to dinner on Saturday night at their own expense.  Crafting projects might include sewing, knitting, painting, baking, or even just reading a book and hanging out.  There’s almost always at least one person who comes along who doesn’t craft.

Craft weekend:  November 11-13.  Up to 10 people are invited to Risa Cabin in lovely Bend, Oregon, for a weekend of crafting and company.  Vegetarian meals are provided for Friday dinner, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and lunch Saturday and Sunday.  The group goes out to dinner on Saturday night at their own expense.  Crafting projects might include sewing, knitting, painting, baking, or even just reading a book and hanging out.  There’s almost always at least one person who comes along who doesn’t craft.

Craft weekend:  November 11-13.  Up to 10 people are invited to Risa Cabin in lovely Bend, Oregon, for a weekend of crafting and company.  Vegetarian meals are provided for Friday dinner, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, and lunch Saturday and Sunday.  The group goes out to dinner on Saturday night at their own expense.  Crafting projects might include sewing, knitting, painting, baking, or even just reading a book and hanging out.  There’s almost always at least one person who comes along who doesn’t craft.